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Інтерактивний каталог

Каталоги продуктів для технічного обслуговування SKF

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Rolling Bearings

Rolling Bearings

10000 EN

This catalogue contains the standard assortment of SKF rolling bearings typically used in industrial applications. To provide the highest levels of quality and customer service, these products are available worldwide through SKF sales channels. This catalogue supersedes previous SKF 6000 EN General Catalogue.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 33.44 МБ

General Catalogue

General Catalogue

6000 EN

This catalogue contains almost all of the standard rolling bearings and accessories required by industrial equipment manufacturers, as well as those used for replacement purposes. To provide the highest levels of service, SKF endeavours to have its standard assortment match virtually all customer needs and to have products available on a worldwide basis.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 38.36 МБ

Y-bearings and Y-bearing Units

Y-bearings and Y-bearing Units

06001 EN

This catalogue gives a representative overview of the range of Y-bearings and Y-bearing units available from SKF. The data in this catalogue is based on the latest standards and product upgrades.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 21.19 МБ

High-precision Bearings

High-precision Bearings

6002 EN

This catalogue presents the current assortment of SKF high-precision bearings and related products. The data in this catalogue relate to SKF’s state-of-the-art technology and production capabilities as of mid 2007. This catalogue supersedes all previous SKF catalogues about high-precision bearings.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 13.22 МБ

Spherical Plain Bearings and Rod Ends

Spherical Plain Bearings and Rod Ends

06116/1 EN

This catalogue presents the current assortment of SKF spherical plain bearings and rod ends.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 6.55 МБ

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