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Каталоги шарнірних головок Durbal

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Product Catalogue

Product Catalogue


This catalogue presents the standard 01, 02 and 03 Series of split roller bearings, cartridges and different pedestals for shaft diameters up to 600 mm available from Cooper.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 14.3 МБ

00 Series Light Duty Split Roller Bearings

00 Series Light Duty Split Roller Bearings

This leaflet presents the products are designed to complement existing Cooper product ranges by providing a solution to those applications where the load capacity of the 01 Series is not required.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 0.62 МБ

SN Compatible Pedestal

SN Compatible Pedestal

This leaflet presents the range of Cooper pedestals dimensionally interchangeable with SN 500 housings.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 0.21 МБ

SAFC Split Bearing Solutions

SAFC Split Bearing Solutions

This leaflet presents the range of Cooper SAFC products are designed to replace common SAF 225 and 15 Series units using adaptor sleeves.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 0.34 МБ

SD Compatible Split Roller Bearings

SD Compatible Split Roller Bearings

This leaflet presents the range of Cooper products dimensionally interchangeable with standard SD housings.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 0.32 МБ

Split Tapered Bearings

Split Tapered Bearings

This leaflet presents the range of split tapered bearings available from Cooper.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 1.56 МБ

01E Series Split Roller Bearings

01E Series Split Roller Bearings

This leaflet presents the range of 01E Series of split roller bearings available from Cooper.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 0.15 МБ

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