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Каталоги підшипників кочення JNS

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Ball & Roller Bearings

Ball & Roller Bearings


This catalogue is based on the results of wide-ranging technical studies and extensive R&D efforts and will enable the reader to select the optimal bearing for each application. In addition to standard bearings, this catalog provides information on a variety of bearings for specific purposes, such as ball bearing units, plummer blocks, and JTEKT EXSEV bearing series (bearings for extreme special environments).

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 20.23 МБ

Needle Roller Bearings

Needle Roller Bearings


This catalogue includes the Koyo needle roller bearing types, models and technical information.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 5.93 МБ

Precision Ball & Roller Bearings for Machine Tools

Precision Ball & Roller Bearings for Machine Tools


This catalogue will be help to the user in the design of machine tools and in the use of precision rolling bearings.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 14.87 МБ

Ball Bearing Units

Ball Bearing Units


This catalogue presents the assortiment of standard ball bearing units available from Koyo.

Англійсь­ка мо­ва, 8.14 МБ

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